Here is a quick-reference list of each Godly Possession. Hera's Chalice - Causes the Health Meter to slowly drain over time, never completely emptying it.Daedalus' Schematics - Infinite item use.Hephaestus' Ring - Automatically win all Context Sensitive Attacks ("Quick Time Events").Aphrodite's Garter - Continue to use Athena's Blades (the main weapon from the game's intro / while active, switch to another weapon to Combat Grapple).Poseidon's Conch Shell - Infinite Magic.Hercules' Shoulder Guard - Decrease damage taken by a third.Hermes' Coin - Collect 10 time the amount of Red Orbs.Helios' Shield - Increase the Hits Counter by 3 times.Hades' Helm - Max out Health, Magic and Item Meters.If you start a new game, you'll need to play through the prologue all the way to The River Styx before you can equip a Possession and cheat. After this, you can return to ANY prior save and the Godly Possession will be unlocked for use. Note: Once you find a Godly Possession, you cannot use it until you beat the game. Warning: Equipping a Godly Possession disables Trophies. You can toggle these on of off in the Items Menu AFTER BEATING THE GAME once you collect them. Here are the effects of each Godly Possession.